Pleasure and Commercial Boats

Is there a link between the market behavior of pleasure and commercial boats on a by county basis?

Total Pleasure vs Total Commercial

Plotting the top 5 counties in Florida for pleasure and commercial markets next to each other.

Total Pleasure and Commercial by Coast Data

In addition to what is shown on the axes, this depiction also differenciates when the county is on the coast and its average income by plot size.

26 to 39 ft County Yacht Market

With plot size representing county average income, this depiction realistically characterizes the most common yacht size in the eyes of the general public. While Dade and Monroe counties are not the highest earning, they are lightyears ahead of other counties in the pleasure and commercial markets, respectively.

110+ ft County Yacht Market

Plotting the top counties in Florida for the largest yacht category, using the same parameters as teh 26-39 foot boats. Dade County has significantly more mega-yachts than any other county in the pleasure market and Clay County holds a massive market share of the mega-commercial yacht market. It is interesting how the wealthiest county, Collier, has virtually no mega-yachts.